JWU Alumni on social media

Follow JWU Alumni on social media for the most up-to-date information. We cover upcoming events, campus news, alumni stories and more. Be sure to tag us in your posts (@jwualumni), whether you've accomplished something great at work or are reuniting with your JWU friends, we want to know what you're up to!


On LinkedIn, we share university and alumni news. When you receive a promotion, new certification or job, be sure to tag JWU Alumni Relations so we can reshare in our feed!

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Our Facebook page is all about alumni! We share university news, articles about alumni and community members and more. We also post all JWU Alumni events for easy viewing.

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In addition to alumni news, we share content from the university, campuses, clubs and more. Remember to tag us when you share your accomplishments - we'll retweet you! 

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We love featuring content from alumni in our Instagram feed and stories! Remember to tag us in your stories and posts so we can like, comment and share. 

Our Feed


Our Flickr album is full of memories from past events. You can scroll through photos from the Alumni Abroad trip to South Africa, Reunion and more! 

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Our playlist is home to all of our event recordings. From Sip with JWU to alumni panels, you can rewatch your favorite programs and discover new ones! 

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