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A new exchange program with Chinese master chefs


JWU Charlotte and the Dalian Restaurant Association of China have begun a culinary and cultural exchange program, aimed at improving each insstitution’s abilities to authentically create and teach the other’s cuisine.


      The first delegation of top Chinese chefs visited the Charlotte Campus in February. After a tour of our facilities, JWU faculty led a conversation about the university’s academic approach, culinary program and class experience. The six Chinese chefs then conducted several cooking demonstrations, featuring popular dishes like Kung Pao Chicken and Key Lime Crispy Shrimp (recipes below).


      “Food is a language that transcends all borders,” observed Karl Stybe ’95, JWU associate professor. “I was fascinated at the dedication, tradition and discipline they exhibited. Decades later, they still execute their skills exactly the way they were taught, down to the number of cuts they made prior to grounding their knives on their boards.”


      JWU chef instructors, culinary students and City of Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts attended the presentations.


      Jared Kent, a junior food service management major, describes the experience as a highlight of his student career. “It was inspiring to see that the aspiration to be the greatest chefs we can be is universal, transcending cultural barriers and bringing us all together as chefs and citizens of the world.”


      In July, Charlotte Campus President Mock and several JWU chef instructors will travel to China to showcase the art of American cuisine.


Chinese Master Chef



Kung Pao Chicken


A classic Szechuan dish, Kung Pao Chicken is known for its tasty flavors: peppery, spicy, sour, and sweet, all at once. According to legend, the dish is named for an emperor’s official who created the dish hundreds of years ago.



  • 200g (5-6 ounces) chicken breast
  • 50g (2 ounces) shelled peanuts
  • 20g (1 ounces) chopped scallions
  • 55g (1/4 cup) rapeseed oil
  • 10g (2 teaspoons) dried chili pepper
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) wild peppercorns
  • 3g (3/4 teaspoon) salt
  • 12g (1 tablespoon) sugar
  • 15g (1 tablespoon) vinegar
  • 35g (2 tablespoons) water-mixed starch
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) soy sauce
  • 3g (3/4 teaspoon) cooking wine
  • 30g (2 tablespoons) egg white
  • a few ginger root slices
  • a pinch of red chili pepper powder


  1. Slice chicken breasts then checker-cut surface, being careful not to cut through.
  2. Soak peanuts in warm water, remove skin and fry until crispy.
  3. Combine the chicken, cooking wine, salt, egg whites, water and most of the water-mixed starch. Mix well.
  4. Deep fry the chicken in 130°C (250°F) oil until 70% cooked. Remove and drain.
  5. Heat oil in a wok and pan-fry the chili pepper and wild peppercorns until brown. Add ginger root slices, scallions and chicken and stir-fry until well mixed. Continue to stir-fry, adding salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce and remaining starch. Add fried peanuts and mix well. Serve while hot.



Key Lime Crispy Shrimp

Key Lime Crispy Shrimp combines Chinese and western cuisine techniques for a slightly sour, sweet and fresh dish.



  • 200g (1 cup) shelled shrimp
  • 75g (1/3 cup) oil
  • 100g (1/2 cup) frying batter mix
  • key lime sauce mix (5 parts Shanghai white vinegar, 5 parts sugar, 1 part concentrated key lime juice, 1 part concentrated orange juice, dash of tomato sauce, custard powder for thickening)
  • salt
  • white pepper powder
  • Rice cooking wine
  • Starch
  • 1 fresh key lime for garnishing


  1. Cut shrimp on the stomach side, halfway through.
  2. Add salt, pepper, rice cooking wine and starch; mix well.
  3. Combine the frying batter mix and water.
  4. Heat oil to 165°C (325°F), cover shrimp in batter and fry until golden. Remove, drain and place on plate.
  5. Heat water until boiling, then pour it into the key lime sauce mix and pour sauce over shrimp. Garnish the dish with cut key lime.